Philosophy / Vision

Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd.'s Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information

Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd. ("The Company") complies with all relevant laws and ordinances, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("APPI") and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures ("My Number Act"), as well as in-Company regulations. It appropriately collects and uses personal information, personal numbers, and information specific to individuals (personal information including personal numbers and related content) handled by each Group company (personal numbers and information specific to individuals, collectively "individual-specific information, etc."). It also appropriately manages and handles personal information securely and in an up-to-date condition, carefully protecting the personal information of customers, business partners, and Company employees, and strives to earn such trust.

*Please see company overview for information on the Company's address and representative's name

1. Acquisition of personal information
The Company acquires the personal information of its customers (including shareholders, the same applies hereinafter) to the extent necessary for its business, in a lawful and proper manner.
2. Purpose of using personal information
The Company uses personal information obtained from customers and others to perform the following operations. When using personal information, it will notify or publicly announce the purpose in advance and will not use the information for any other objective.
The Company uses personal information for the following purposes:
  1. (1) Contacting shareholders, providing various types of information to shareholders, and shareholder management
  2. (2) Exercise of rights or performance of obligations under the Companies Act or other laws and regulations
  3. (3) Responding to customer inquiries, requests, etc.
  4. (4) Management and administration of Group companies
  5. (5) Responding to complaints within the Group
  6. (6) Credit decisions, transaction decisions, and service provision decisions within the Group
  7. (7) Other operations incidental to (1) through (6) above and operations performed to ensure the appropriate and smooth performance of business operations of the Company
3. Provision of personal data to third parties, and acquisition from third parties
The Company will not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual, except as required by laws and regulations. If personal data is provided to a third party, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, the Company shall record matters relating to such provision (e.g., when and to which recipient and what type of personal data was provided), and if personal data is acquired from a third party, the Company shall confirm and record matters relating to such acquisition (e.g., when and from what type of source the personal data was acquired, how the source third party acquired such data, etc.).
4. Provision of individual-related data to third parties
Except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, when a third party is expected to acquire individual-related information as personal data, the Company shall not provide such information without first confirming that the third party has obtained consent from the person whose individual-related information is to be acquired.
In addition, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, if the Company provides individual-related information to a third party on the basis of the confirmation in the preceding paragraph, the Company will confirm and record the matters related to such provision (such as when and to which recipient the individual-related information was provided, and how the third party obtained the individual's consent).
5. Joint use of personal data
For the purposes of use described in 2. above and in order to perform our duties as a holding company, we may share personal data with our Group companies, partner companies, and other entities as described below. Individual-specific information, etc. shall not be used jointly.
  1. (1) Items of personal data
  1. a. Shareholders' personal data (address, name, status of Company shares held, etc.)
  2. b. Personal data held by each Group company (address, name, telephone number, gender, date of birth, and other contract details stated on order forms or other documents, and information, etc. pertaining to transactions)
  3. c. Personal data of a person who made the inquiry/request, etc. (name, contact information, contents of inquiry/request, etc.)
  1. (2) Responsible party for joint use

The Company

  • *Please see company overview for information on the Company's address and representative's name
  • *Please access group company for information on the Company's address and representative's name. In addition, we do not currently jointly use personal data with our business partners. for information on the scope of the Group companies. In addition, we do not currently jointly use personal data with our business partners.
6. Handling of pseudonymously processed information
  1. (1) Preparation of pseudonymously processed information

When the Company creates pseudonymously processed information (information about an individual obtained by processing personal information in such a way that the individual cannot be identified unless the information is cross-checked with other information by taking measures prescribed by laws and regulations), the Company will:

  • - appropriately process the said information in accordance with the standards set forth in laws and regulations;
  • - take security control measures to prevent the leakage of deleted information and information on the method of processing in accordance with the standards set forth in laws and regulations;
  • - not provide the said information to third parties except in cases of legal compliance or outsourcing, business succession, or joint use;
  • - not take any action to identify the individual whose personal information was the source of the creation; and
  • - not use the contact and other information contained in the pseudonymously processed information for the purpose of contacting the person in question, etc.
  1. (2) Usage purpose of pseudonymously processed information

In the event that the Company establishes or changes the purpose of use of pseudonymously processed information, the Company will specify the purpose of use after the change to the extent possible, clarify that it is related to the pseudonymously processed information, and then make a public announcement.

7. Handling of anonymously processed information
  1. (1) Preparation of anonymously processed information

In the case where the Company creates anonymously processed information (information about individuals obtained by processing personal information so that specific individuals cannot be identified by taking measures prescribed by laws and regulations, and such personal information that has been rendered impossible to restore), the Company will:

  • - appropriately process the said information in accordance with the standards set forth in laws and regulations;
  • - take security control measures to prevent the leakage of deleted information and information on the method of processing in accordance with the standards set forth in laws and regulations;
  • - disclose the items of information contained in the anonymously processed information that has been created; and
  • - not take any action to identify the individual whose personal information was the source of the creation
  1. (2) Provision of anonymously processed information

When providing anonymously processed information to a third party, the Company will publicly announce the items of information regarding individuals contained in the anonymously processed information to be provided and the method of provision, and clearly indicate to the third party that the information to be provided is anonymously processed information.

8. Handling of sensitive information
The Company will not acquire, use, or provide to third parties any personal information that requires special consideration as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the APPI, or personal information related to labor union membership, family origin, legal domicile, health care, or sexual practices (collectively "sensitive information"), except as stipulated in the APPI, other laws, regulations, or guidelines.
9. Handling of individual-specific information, etc.
The Company will not acquire or use individual-specific information, etc. beyond the purposes of use stipulated by the My Number Law. In addition, we will not provide individual-specific information, etc. to any third party, except as permitted by the My Number Law.
10. Response to requests for disclosure, etc.
In the event that a customer requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., or disclosure of records of provision to third parties ("disclosure, etc.") with respect to the customer's personal information and individual-specific information, etc., entrusted to the Company, the Company will respond promptly within a scope that is reasonable and necessary. Please follow the procedures below to request disclosure, etc.
  • 1) Please submit a disclosure request form and other documents specified by the Company.
  • 2) Please prepare something to confirm your identity (a copy of your driver's license, passport, etc.).
    (If the request is made by a proxy, please also prepare a document to prove the qualification of the proxy and a copy of a driver's license, passport, or other documents that confirm the proxy's identity.)
  • 3) A fee of 1,000 yen (excluding consumption tax) per request will be charged for disclosure.

For information on how to obtain the disclosure request form and other documents prescribed by the Company, please contact the following:

Legal, PR & IR Department,
Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd.
4-32-1 Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-8623
Telephone: 03-5496-5234
Business hours: 9:30 - 18:15 (excluding business holidays)

*For information pertaining to Group companies, please access each company's website or the Personal Information Inquiry/Consultation Desk.

11. Contact point for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information
Please contact the following for inquiries and consultation regarding the Company's handling of personal information and individual-specific information, etc.:
Legal, PR & IR Department,
Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 03-5496-5234
Business hours: 9:30 - 18:15 (excluding business holidays)

*Each Group company has its own contact point for inquiries and consultation regarding personal information and specified personal information.

12. Compliance with laws and regulations
The Company shall comply with Japanese laws, regulations, and other norms related to the handling of personal information and individual-specific information, etc.
13. Security control measures
The Company will strive to prevent leakage, falsification, loss, etc. by taking necessary and appropriate security control measures for personal information and individual-specific information, etc. in its possession.
14. Continuous improvement
The Company will regularly review its handling of personal information and individual-specific information, etc., and will be untiring in its efforts to make improvements.
Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd. may revise this Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information in order to further protect the personal information of customers, or in accordance with enactments or amendments in laws and regulations. Revisions will be notified by posting on this website, so please check this page periodically.
In addition, information regarding the handling of personal information of each Group company of Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings, Co., Ltd. will be posted as the Privacy Policy on the website of each company.

Amended on April 25, 2022

© Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.